DeGroote School of Business

Letter of Permission Procedure

Students who wish to take courses at another university must complete the Request for Letter of Permission through Mosaic.

Do not register for courses at the host university until you receive written permission from the Student Experience – Academic Programs Office. 

Please note:

  • Students must be in good academic standing. 
  • Students may only complete LOP coursework at Canadian institutions. 
  • Only non-commerce electives can be taken.
  • Students who have transferred 42 units or more from another university are not permitted to take courses on LOP.
  • First year students are not permitted to take courses on LOP.
  • Second and third year students are only permitted to take courses on LOP during the Spring/Summer term.
  • Final year students are permitted to take courses on LOP during the Fall and Winter terms.
  • No more than 6 units of a Minor can be from transfer credit/LOP courses.
  • Students can take a maximum of 18 units per term including courses at McMaster and courses on LOP.
  • Students may only complete a maximum of 15 units of LOP coursework towards their degree.
  • Students should meet with an Academic Advisor before a LOP request is submitted.

Applying for a Letter of Permission

  • Pre-approved course equivalencies can be found on the Registrar’s website. Click on Search Course Equivalencies.
  • Review the host university’s website to ensure the course is offered.
  • Ensure you have the pre-requisite required for the course.
  • Submit a Letter of Permission request on Mosaic. This is where you will enter the course information and await approval from an Academic Advisor.

Course Approval

  • Approved LOP requests will appear on Mosaic and an email will be sent to your McMaster email account.

Registration at the Host University

  • Follow the host institution’s application procedures, paying close attention to the dates and deadlines. Students are responsible for making a formal application to the institution where they intend to study.
  • Print the Letter of Permission, available in the Mosaic Student Center, and submit it to the host university.
  • Enroll in courses at the host university – applying for an LOP through Mosaic will not do this for you automatically.


  • Students wanting to take courses in the Spring/Summer term must submit their application between March 1 and June 30. 
  • Final year students hoping to take a course in the final Winter term must submit their application before December 1.
  • Applications submitted after the above dates will not be processed.

Graduation Considerations

Students in their final year who expect to graduate must submit transcripts for LOP courses no later than:

  • Spring Convocation: April 30
  • Fall Convocation: September 30


Upon completion of the course(s), students must request an official transcript to be sent directly to:

Encrypted PDF’s can be sent to directly from the Institution. This is the fastest way for your transcript to be received.

Ericka Wagner
DeGroote School of Business, DSB A102
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON
L8S 4M3

  • Only original hard copies of the transcripts are accepted. Faxed or scanned copies are not accepted.
  • If an official transcript is not received, a grade of NC (No Credit) will appear on your McMaster transcript.
  • If a minimum grade of C-(60%) is achieved, a grade of T (Transfer) will appear on your McMaster transcript. These units will satisfy requisites and count toward your degree, but will not be calculated into your cumulative grade point average.
  • If a minimum grade of C-(60%) is not achieved, a grade of NC (No Credit) will appear on your McMaster transcript. These units will not count towards your degree nor will they be used in the calculation of your cumulative grade point average.

Withdrawing/not registering for the course AFTER permission is granted

After the approval is granted, if you decide not to register or withdraw from the course, you must provide proof in the form of a transcript, letter, or email from the host university. Failure to do so will result in a grade of NC on your McMaster Transcript.

Questions? Please email the Student Experience – Academic Team at